Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Fail Blog

My husband is currently looking at FAIL blog and ran across this image. I could only imagine that it was what the guy was wearing. Except of course white shirt and tights as described by my sis. Elisa, can you confirm this?

Sunday, September 19, 2010

They Made It...

15 miles.

I think what they did is amazing! My sister and mom finish at 15 miles. Elisa injured her knee at around 10 miles and was limping pretty bad. 5 more miles, my sister just couldn't do it anymore. With barricades and drink stationes being cleaned up, they didn't think it would be best to carry on. Especially without having drinks ready and waiting for them in addition to Elisa's injury.

Elisa commented that she wished she would've just went for the half mile and they would've crossed the finish line. But hey... that's 13 miles! Being hurt and succeeding to go further, that's great! Way to go sis!!

They were able to get something to drink and a ride to the end of the marathon. Several people had quit at 8 miles. So my mom and sis did great! At the end 5 people were on stretchers, 8 in chairs and my sis was able to get ice applied to her knee.

They just called a bit ago. A guy walking the marathon just passed the finish line. He was wearing white tights, a white leotard, a white netted tutu and a hat. Coming from his Err... well... Was a long bird head. Why was this guy dressed like this? Who knows! Elisa and mom were so shocked, they did not get a picture. Darn! Ha Ha!

We will have an official blog post from my sister and mom as soon as they are ready. Thank you all for participating in their journey!!

for the cure!


Things Are Slowing Down

Since hurting her knee, Elisa has begun to limp pretty bad. They are about 14-15 miles in. Barricades and mile markers have been torn down, so they are not 100% sure. They were thirsty and stopped at one of the stations hoping to get Gatorade, but that also has been packed up. I wish I was there! I feel so helpless!! They are not sure how much more they are going to be able to do, with being hurt and thirsty. Naoi has been called, but is not answering. My mom stopped an officer to see if he could find them something to drink. He left to see if he could. I hope he comes back with something to offer them! If not a drink, at least a ride.

Almost 13 miles in!

They're almost to the tunnel! I miss this tunnel! Every time we drove through it, we'd honk :) Good times!

My sister is having a problem with her knee, so my mom has asked for prayer. The last couple miles had a lot of twists and turns and just hurt their ankles and knees. Mom said to pray that their muscles don't give out. They must be hurting bad :(

Mile 10

WOW!! Just wow! I feel really emotional. Mile 10 is reached! I can only imagine what they must be feeling in their legs right now!! When My mom and I walked for Relay for Life (8 miles) our legs hurt! The next day is going to be gruesome!

Beautiful Scenery

They get to enjoy the beautiful parts of Maui (Including the sunsets)!!
It makes me want to participate in the marathon!

Steepest Incline Reached

Mom said that mile 8 - 10 would be the steepest incline and for us to pray. They just reach it and are at 8 1/2 miles!! Way to go Mom and Elisa!! You guys are rocking this!!

For those reading and looking at pics, my mom has promised a pic at the half way point. They are almost there and should be there in about an hour or so.

She called me and was huffing and puffing. Encouraging my sister "You can do this!"

Just received a picture...

MILE 9!!

Mile 5

Mile 4

And they're off!

we just hit 2 miles!

TODAY is the day!!!

I ventured out yesterday to get in some miles, since I can't participate with my mom and sis for this marathon. I walked/ran 3.67 miles yesterday and 2.60 miles this morning. Let me tell you, I feel GREAT!!! I really do love walking, but don't get out as much as I should. It was a beautiful 52 degrees outside, an overcast day. Just wonderful!!

Yesterday, My sister and mom got their numbers for the Maui Marathon. It's official folks!!

It starts in 15 mins!!

Friday, September 17, 2010

Time Flies!

Where has the last week gone? It seems as if we have been going non stop since my arrival on the 8th of September. On Wednesday we drove the course that we are going to walk. Before our tour Elisa had insisted that we were going downhill, after our drive she realized if you are going downhill at some point you must go up. We have a challenging course for our 26.2 miles.

Thursday through Sunday they had Revival at Kahului Church of the Nazarene. Mike Wells gave the sermons each night and Sunday morning. He spoke of our relationship with God and how so many of us try to be that perfect person to go to God, not realizing that we are perfect in his sight when we put our trust in Him, asking Jesus to be our Savior. The Tongan Worship Team led the music that night.

Friday night we were late and missed the Kahului Worship Team lead music, because Naoi (Elisa's husband) had run out of gasoline on his way to help his mother, so after rescuing him from the side of the road we continued on to revival. We had almost decided not to go because we were late but were glad we did. Mike Wells spoke on relationships and types of personalities, how they affect how we relate to one another. He had some very good examples of the thinkers, feelers, doers that we are.

On Saturday morning, we went to Lahaina to take a Submarine ride. The crew told us since we were a smaller group that we would get twice the viewing time, since one side of the sub views the sight and then they turn around so the other side gets to view the area. We viewed a coral reef and the fish that feed in the area, saw a lot of empty ocean bottom, sting rays and a sunken ship. Atlantis had purchased the ship that had sat in Lahaina harbor for years and had many visitors over that time. They paid $1.00 for the ship then spent $300,000 to make it ready to sink. They had to strip it of anything that would harm sea life, haul it out to their submarine viewing area and then sink it in the sand away from any coral reefs. It already has several coral and other sea life growing on the ship.

Saturday night was another night of revival, Pukalani Worship Team began the service. Mike spoke of his ministry and areas he has had mission trips to. He tied in the last two nights of messages. We left at intermission because we were both exhausted and couldn't concentrate on the remaining 15 minutes of message. Sunday concluded revival. It was also Elisa's birthday. We then went shopping for shoes for our marathon. We didn't find anything after trying on way too many shoes, I did find a pair of Nike running shoes, however they are only comfortable if you are running not walking. We both finally found shoes on Tuesday night. We were able to start breaking them in Wednesday night after Elisa got off work, we did 5 miles that night.

Elisa had the day off Thursday, so we indulged in a Dolphin Boat Ride sponsored by PACIFIC WHALE FOUNDATION. We parked half mile from the dock to get some walking in, enjoyed the trip and seeing spotted dolphin and spinner dolphin.

After we went to the beach to catch some waves, however the beach we went to had too many rocks and coral. Elisa ended up with damaged foot, we tried to go to another beach to swim but the waves were too high and the flag was out warning bad time to be in the water. We came home went to walk our 5 miles wanting to top our time from the previous time, Elisa had a splinter from the coral and we had to turn back, after soaking in peroxide and medicating it her foot felt much better. It was then time to leave for ladies Bible study. After we had dinner with Auntie Laura and Leona, catching up on our lives and enjoying each others company.

Tonight we are going to a Luau and will update you after, can't believe its just 2 days before the marathon.

God bless you.


Maui Sunset

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

On her way...

My mom is making her way to Maui, Hawaii where she will be participating in the 26 mile marathon with my sister. I just received a text from my mom (8:58am) and she has arrived in San Francisco. She will continue on in a little under an hour. No phone use is allowed on the last flight, so she will call once she arrives. It is a straight trip from San Fran to Maui.

She told me that the in-flight meal is $9. Wow! Is airline food really worth that?! She decided to find a place to eat in the airport. Fries $3.50 and Hamburger $8.25 YIKES!!

My sister has planned some exciting things for when my mom gets there. She will attend a luau, ride a boat to go see dolphins and submerse under water in a submarine! It all sounds like something I would love to be doing right now!

I have asked them to send pictures of the trip and of course the marathon. I hope to keep this as up to date as possible.

She's Boarding!

Thank you so much for your support and for your prayers!

Walking for a cure...

P.S. How ironic! I thought it was funny... as I am posting about this flight, a plane is flying over my house. Normally, I don't hear them.